2nd Grade
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How a Snowflake is formed
Bats are the only mammals that can fly. Like all mammals, bats are animals with hair that feed their young milk. The body of a bat may be as big as that of a pigeon or as small as that of a bee. Most bats are nocturnal - they are active at night, and sleep during the day.
Where do bats live?
Bats live on land around most of the world. Most bats are found in the tropics, where it is hot. There are no bats in Antarctica and the Arctic. Most bats live in caves and trees. They rest by hanging upside down.
What do bats eat?
Bats generally eat insects. Some bats eat fruit and other plant matter. Vampire bats drink the blood of other animals. They usually feed on the blood of cattle. A few kinds of bats feed on such small animals as frogs and mice.
Bat babies are called pups. They drink their mother's milk. Most bat mothers give birth to only one pup at a time. Pups are born without fur.
Videos about bats
Works Cited
"Bat." World Book Kids, 2023,
www.worldbookonline.com/kids/article?id=ar830239. Accessed 02 Oct. 2023.